Tuesday, October 6, 2020

fitness challenge begins!

The R3's fit 4 fall challenge has begun and I am excited to "embark" on this journey.  the 1st two weeks  is basically carb free... ketoish in nature.  I will be posting my progress and some of my exercise and recipes over the next 6 weeks.

today I did a great workout routine on a new app, it was no joke.
  I had yogurt with fiberwise in it and then made a very interesting chicken and riced cauliflower with Kale "soup" and made my very first kale chips...they were surprisingly tasty!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

What the heck is this blog about??

 Hey there!!  Welcome to my blog!  If your reading this, you are probably wondering what the heck this blog is all about.  My name is Wendy Pendleton and I am a dog mom who is on a journey to healthier living.  I have been doing some things for a while to make improvements like taking quality vitamins, adding fiber, and removing toxic chemicals from my home.  But I am ready to up my game, and improve my eating habits, commit more to an exercise routine and work toward creating more balance and spend more time in nature.  

This is where this blog comes in. I hope that by documenting my discoveries and progress, I will hold myself more accountable for continuing this journey longer than a few weeks.  I hope you will find something of value here and if you want me to look deeper into a topic, or answer something please let me know!!